Ce programme televisuelle est un favorit d'elle. Nous reponsons sur le canapé pour le regardent. Grands files des jeunes français serpentent dans les rues de Marseilles et Paris. Ceux que rêve et ceux qui font rêver: eux, les victimes d'entrer dans un fantasme televisuel; nous, les patates telespectateurs que jamais chantent d'un mois à l'autre.
À l'interieur, quatre personnages inconnu chez moi, grands personnages fromages français, serieux, civilisé. Ils evitent les pires barbaries de leurs contemporaines anglophones. Un rockstar des yeux percants, une belle chanteuse, maintenant maternelle, rock journaliste aux lunettes ombrées, jazzman plein d'âme.
Leur boulot: creer une societé de consommateurs de la musique, passifs, nuls, paralysé d'habilité, dechirées de notre heritage des enfants de chant. Je crois les humaines peuvent chanter avant parler: donc je crois la exploitation capitaliste de la musique c'est une fascisme. Je les rejets, bien que je me sents les emotionnes superficial: leur petits sommets de "reussi" ou "echecs." Le "bon" et le "mauvais."
Je me fait une promesse: je chanterai tous les prochaines jours, en liberté, gratuit.
D'accord Remy Juste qui a posé la question: "C'est qu'est plus débil? Le jury où les chanteurs?"
RépondreSupprimerPart of the drama comes from video clips of auditioners lives. Normally this is a favourable diagnostic sign: the makers don't trouble us with getting to know someone only to kill them off in the same episode. So exceptions to this rule are surely of specific cultural importance.
RépondreSupprimerOne such featured but not selected singer gave clear indications of the social rules underlying the show. We were shown a wedding singer, aged 32, already with several articulate children. He has a semi-professional career in a live band that plays social events such as weddings. We saw him sing at one. But he was bombed out of audition with four noes. I won't defend his singing, though he plainly could sing, in a powerful, tuneful voice of quite acceptable timbre. His singing was not particularly interesting or bad. I am sure the judges make hundreds of such subjective judgements over the course of the show.
But it is the producers who select the background clips that humanise the auditioners, and their selection of this lad conveys several clear messages.
Firstly, they don't want older men, especially not those with families: a married man would be the unsuitable recipient of the adulation they will so surely receive. For him to even crave it is something rather despicable and perverse.
Secondly, his ambivalent status as a social singer: who knows? People might join in with him at parties. This could lead to outbreaks of spontaneous singing amongst ordinary people, and is not to be encouraged.